Bangkok Is Marked As The World’s Best Spot For Workation, Latest Trend among New Generations in the Workforce.

Since the Pandemic started, most of us have to work from home, and holiday travel became challenging. It is forecasted that when the situation is back to normal, “Workation”- a portmanteau combining work and vacation - would become trendy. The key factor is people started to learn that work is not limited to just one office, while we can work anytime from anywhere with same or more productivity as results.

新冠疫情大流行导致大多数人只能在家办公,无法外出旅行,那么当生活恢复正常时,Workation这种将工作和度假相结合的新模式将会受到极大关注。人们已经知道无需在单调沉闷的方寸格子间也可以进行工作,并且会变得更高效。, a leading holiday search website from UK, has recently announced the world’s top 150 destinations for Workation. Bangkok has been ranked as No. 1 city in the world for a ‘Workation’, for its monthly cost of living, rental fee for one-bedroomed apartment, range of attractions as after-work activities, cost of drinks after working hours, wifi performance, as well as average hours of daytime. With all factors mentioned, Bangkok is finally considered as the most appealing destination, winning over Bacelona that dropped to No. 4.

根据英国假期搜索引擎 的调查数据,它对全球150个城市进行了工作和度假的评级,其中考虑的因素包括每月生活成本、单居室公寓的月租金、下班后的娱乐兴趣活动和饮料费用、Wi-Fi信号强度以及平均日照时间。其中曼谷位居榜首,被评为最适合工作度假的城市,超越跌至四位的顶级度假城市西班牙巴塞罗那。

There are many reasons made Bangkok, the world’s No. 1 Workation destination. Apart of convenient transport to a variety of tourist attractions located in Thailand’s capital, Asian exotism also become the world’s popular trend. Furthermore, Bangkok is business hub for national companies, people has good communication skills in English. These all prove that Bangkok is well-prepared to support foreign businesspeople with sufficient resources.


Workation offers us the peace of mind in work, with trip to dream destination of unique charisma. This way also allows more time for ideal vacation. Benefit would fall to both companies and employees. Although not all the companies cloud apply such policy, “Workation” would become accepted in the New Normal to come in the near future.


ONESIAM and Siam Paragon always put out thoughts on expats in Thailand, therefore we have offer following privileges including
• Expats in Thailand could get Siam Gift Card worth 200THB*, when applying for VIZ Card (T&C and promotion period may vary) Click here to apply:
• More special discounts for foreigners, please click here for details
• Foreigners could get 10% Discount (Participating items available at Openspace, Siam Discovery) 
• We offer Siam Gift Card worth 300THB* for Foreign Master Cardholders, who applied Master Card outside Thailand.
• Services are available in both English and Chinese. At the shopping mall, all signages are in both languages.
• Free hi-speed internet is available.
• VAT Refund can be claimed in town.
• A variety of restaurants, international menus, and cafes are available for all day work.
• Delivery service right to your place. Online shopping service are always on.

When the new horizon is open, Siam Paragon would love you to select Bangkok as your first choice for Workation or Vacation.
*For promotions, please contact Tourist Counter, Siam Paragon, G Floor.

暹罗商圈ONESIAM和暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon购物中心,对一直在泰国工作的外国客户也十分关心和重视,并推出以下优惠:
•  对于在泰国工作的外国客户,申请VIZ卡时,立即赠送价值200 泰铢的暹罗礼品卡(具体条款和条件可能会发生变化),点击立即申请:
•  外国人可享受多项优惠,详情请见
•  外国人可享受最低9折的特别折扣(仅限参与活动产品,例如:暹罗探索Siam Discovery开放购物区Openspace);
•  万事达卡外国持卡人,免费赠送价值300 泰铢暹罗礼品卡;
•  工作人员可提供中英文服务,且购物中心内有各种中英文的指示标;
•  商场内提供免费高速上网服务;
•  商场提供市区税退税服务;
•  多家世界各地特色美食的优质餐厅,和适合办公的咖啡厅可供选择;
•  提供送货上门服务,并且可在线订购。

暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon 希望国境开放后,世界各地再次连接起来的时候,无论是Workation边工作边度假或只是度假,曼谷都是您心中的首选目的地。
*优惠详情可于暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon G层的游客服务柜台进行咨询